Part 3: Beyond the Brochure: How to Spot a Great Business Coach for Your Painting Company

Congratulations! You’ve taken the crucial step of deciding to hire a business coach to propel your painting company to new heights. But your journey has just begun. To maximize the benefits of this partnership, it’s essential to establish a foundation for success.

In this final installment of our three-part series, we’ll explore key considerations to ensure a productive and rewarding coaching experience. We’ll cover:

  • How to distinguish between different coaching styles and identify the “do it with you” approach that fosters lasting growth.
  • Red flags to watch out for in a business coach that could indicate a poor fit
  • Green flags that indicate a great match 
  • Warning signs to watch out for, such as a cookie-cutter approach or limited accessibility.
  • The qualities that define a great business coach, focusing on industry expertise and a strong personality match.

By understanding these aspects, you’ll be well-equipped to leverage your coach’s expertise and achieve transformative results for your painting company.

How Do You Tell a Good Business Coach from a Bad Business Coach?

Not all business coaches are created equal. So, how can you tell the good from the bad? 

Focus on Flexibility and Accessibility:

  • A Cookie-Cutter Approach vs. Individualized Support: Great coaches understand that a “one-size-fits-all” approach doesn’t work. They are flexible and adaptable, tailoring their coaching to your specific needs and challenges. Ask yourself: Is the coach invested in me and my success? Or are they more invested in the process?
  • Responsive and Available: Crises arise, and a good coach is there to support you through them. Look for someone who is readily available to answer questions, offer guidance, and help you navigate unexpected hurdles.

When you work with C4C, you’re never alone. We work one-on-one with our clients. While we have a template of best practices, we aren’t in the model of churning clients through a pre-built program. Instead, we use our template of best practices to inform our customized plan tailored just for you. 

What Red Flags Should You Be Aware of When Hiring a Business Coach?

Finding the right business coach is an investment in your company’s future. Here are some red flags to watch out for in a potential coach: 

The Preset “Plug and Play” Program Trap

Avoid cookie-cutter programs that lock you into a rigid, multi-year journey. These programs lack flexibility and don’t consider your unique experience or strengths. Imagine being stuck in a one-size-fits-all process, led by coaches who haven’t necessarily achieved the results they’re promising. Deviations from their system can leave you feeling lost, with limited opportunities for customization. 

What if a key part of their program doesn’t resonate with you?  Are you stuck following a pre-defined path, even if it doesn’t align with your goals?  In these scenarios, once the program ends, you might be left without the tools and strategies you truly need for long-term success.

In contrast, we at C4C believe in meeting you where you are on your journey and helping you reach your specific goals. Individualization and flexibility are key components of our coaching style.

A Coach Who Prioritizes Themselves Over You

Beware of coaches who push their agenda: A good coach is there to serve you, not promote their own program. They prioritize your success and ensure you get the most value from the coaching experience.

Find a coach who actively listens to your concerns and tailors their strategy accordingly. A successful coaching relationship is a two-way street built on trust and collaboration. 

Remember: Building a successful business is a forever marathon, not a sprint. This journey lasts a long time and probably never stops. The right coach equips you with the knowledge and strategies to continuously learn and evolve, ensuring your company experiences lasting growth long after the coaching program concludes.

What Green Flags Should You Be Aware of When Hiring a Business Coach?

When you’re hunting for a business coach, spotting the right green flags can make all the difference. Here are some positive indicators to look out for:

Relevant Experience and Credentials

A good business coach doesn’t just come with a slick pitch; they have the credentials and experience to back it up. Look for someone with a proven track record in your industry or certifications from reputable coaching associations.

Clear Communication Skills

Effective communication is the foundation of good coaching. You want someone who can explain complex ideas clearly and listens well. During initial conversations, they should be able to articulate what they can offer and how they can help you in a way that resonates with you.

Customized Approach

Watch for a coach who is interested in tailoring their methods to fit your specific needs rather than applying a one-size-fits-all approach. They should ask insightful questions about your business and challenges and suggest personalized strategies.

Positive Referrals and Testimonials

Positive feedback from former or current clients can be a strong indicator of effectiveness. A coach who comes highly recommended for achieving results and improving business performance is likely a safe bet.

Chemistry and Comfort

The right coach should feel like a good fit personality-wise. Coaching often requires discussing challenges and vulnerabilities, so it’s important that you feel comfortable and trust your coach. Initial consultations can give you a good sense of whether you’ll work well together.


This includes everything from punctuality and preparedness to respecting your time during consultations. A coach who treats the initial interactions with professionalism is likely to maintain that standard throughout your relationship.

A Focus on Empowerment

Rather than just giving you the answers, a great coach will focus on empowering you with the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions and lead your business effectively. They should foster independence, not dependency.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Business needs can change rapidly. A coach who is flexible and can adapt to new situations or shift focus as your goals evolve can be particularly valuable.

Ethical Standards

Integrity is non-negotiable. A coach who upholds high ethical standards, respects confidentiality, and operates with transparency is someone you can trust with your business’s inner workings.

Finding the right business coach can be a game-changer, so it’s worth taking the time to identify someone who shows these green flags. 

Is There Anything Else to Consider When Finding the Right Business Coach?

  1. Chemistry and Connection: Interview several coaches! This allows you to assess not just their expertise, but also your personal connection with them. A successful coaching relationship thrives on mutual respect, open communication, and a sense of trust.
  2. A Coach Who’s “Been There and Done That”:  Look for a coach with a proven track record in your industry or a similar niche. Their experience navigating challenges you might face can be invaluable as you chart your own course.
  3. The Value of an Outside Perspective:  An experienced business coach offers an objective, independent voice. They can help you process complex situations, challenge assumptions, and see opportunities you might miss alone.
  4. Lifelong Partnership, Not a One-Time Fix: The best coaches view their role as walking alongside you, not dictating solutions. They empower you with the knowledge and skills to navigate challenges and achieve sustainable growth throughout your entrepreneurial journey.

Ready to Take Action and Empower Your Painting Business?

Finding the right business coach can be a game-changer for growing your painting business.  By following the insights and strategies outlined in this series, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the hiring process and identify a coach who perfectly complements your goals and vision.

Schedule a free consultation with Consulting4Contractors. We specialize in helping painting companies achieve success. Let’s discuss your unique needs and explore how our coaching programs can help you reach your goals.

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