Consulting4Contractors offers powerful, flexible, individualized solutions specifically designed to grow you and grow your company. Our solutions include the following:

Individual And Team Coaching


Ideal For:
The contractor or owner who is ready to take their leadership and business to the next level.

Our Model:
Our primary focus and goal are getting you access to the help you need. We schedule regular 1-hour biweekly or weekly meetings with you and a C4C Coach or C4C-approved expert to tailor your growth in achievable ways.

We are, however, not driven by hourly models, and our coaching includes additional support via phone or email for issues between scheduled calls.

Also Included:
Complimentary biweekly C4C Mastermind Membership (attendance optional but encouraged)


Ideal For:
Contractors, owners, and other stakeholders desiring more frequent meetings with more personnel under our coaching than just one person. This could include projects, operations, office managers, salespeople, team leads, or others.

Our Model:
Provide comprehensive growth management and oversight for an entire company, with individualized coaching for each person with a vital role in the business. Our goal is to get each person needs access to the help they need, accelerating an organization as a unit.

Not being driven by hourly models, our coaching includes all necessary support via phone, email, or video calls for issues between scheduled calls.

Also Included:
Complimentary biweekly C4C Mastermind Membership (attendance optional but encouraged)

Technology Integration, Customization,
and coaching


Our proprietary implementation of the platform can help you leverage project and customer automation, manage teams and communication, and easily integrate tech you may already use. C4C is here to help implement, train, and support your team through the entire process. Finally, realize the dream of bringing all of your tech “silos” under one roof!

RATES Module

Every company has an estimating system, whether they realize it or not. Too many in the industry just use what we call the “WAG” method (Wild A$$ Guess), relying on experience and intuition.

The problem? You can’t transfer this or train it (limiting your hiring abilities), it’s not a numbers-based approach (limiting predictable profitability), and it doesn’t include terms and conditions that make sense for your company.

The answer? C4C’s Sales & Rates Module. Our proprietary implementation of PaintScout and Estimate Rocket using production rates to ensure accurate estimates, profitability, and terms and conditions that protect your company. You’ll also deliver beautiful and accurate estimates to your clients and win more jobs.


Beyond our in-house developed systems, we also offer training in Zapier, Google Workspace, Quickbooks, Workforce Time, Clock Shark, YouCanBookMe, Calendly, Acuity, Estimate Rocket, Paint Scout and more.

Whatever your company needs, we can help.


You need assistance with:

Getting the right people onboard

Knowing what your job description should include

Creating compelling ads and where to place them

Let our 35+ years of experience go to work for you


Company Policy and Protocol:

Personnel Development:

Team Development and Growth Plans:
In partnership with industry leader Art Snarzyk of InnerView Advisors, Consulting4Contractors helps businesses understand how to optimize their team for greater organizational health, higher retention rates, and overall employee well-being.

Mastermind Groups

Would you benefit from a regular meeting with like-minded business owners that have been in your shoes? Would you like a group of people that you can confide in, ask questions, and get feedback on issues and initiatives? A group to encourage you and hold you accountable? Then a Mastermind Group is for you.

90-minute Mastermind Video Conference every other week, 24 meetings per year.

Onsite Intensive

Sometimes a company’s situation is best understood in person.

That’s why we offer to visit you where you are so that we can get the most accurate picture of reality for your current situation and advise from there.